Although Jupiter reached opposition and peak
visibility nearly three months ago, it remains a stunning sight from evening
twilight until it sets around midnight local daylight time. Jupiter shines at
magnitude –2.1 and dominates the southwestern sky as night falls. The gas giant
resides among the background stars of Libra the Scales, 1.3° northwest of
Zubenelgenubi (Alpha [α] Librae). If you view the planet through a telescope
tonight, its disk spans 38" and displays spectacular cloud-top detail.
You’ll also see the gas giant’s four brightest moons. These are the biggest of
Jupiter’s entourage of 79 satellites; this number grew by a dozen last month
when astronomers announced their discovery of several more far-flung moons.
Saturday, August 4
Last Quarter Moon occurs at 2:18 p.m. EDT. It
doesn’t rise until 12.30 a.m. local daylight time tomorrow, however, by which
time North American observers might notice that its phase has diminished to 44
percent lit. Earth’s only natural satellite spends the morning near the border
between the constellations Aries the Ram and Taurus the Bull.
Sunday, August 5
Saturn reached its peak a little more than a month
ago, when it appeared opposite the Sun in the sky, and our view of the ringed
planet remains magnificent. It appears against the backdrop of northern
Sagittarius, a region that climbs highest in the south between 10 and 11 p.m.
local daylight time. Saturn continues to shine brightly, too, at magnitude 0.2.
When viewed through binoculars, you’ll find the Trifid Nebula (M20) 2.5° west
of the planet, with the even brighter Lagoon Nebula (M8) 1° south of the
Trifid. But the best views of Saturn come through a telescope, which reveals
the planet’s 18"-diameter disk surrounded by a dramatic ring system that spans
41" and tilts 26° to our line of sight.
Monday, August 6
Look for the waning crescent Moon this morning as it
hovers just west of the Hyades star cluster in Taurus the Bull. The two objects
clear the horizon by 2 a.m. local daylight time and climb one-third of the way
to the zenith in the eastern sky by the time morning twilight begins. The Moon
appears about 30 percent lit and easily outshines the stars of the V-shaped
Hyades. First-magnitude Aldebaran, which marks one tip of the V, appears
brighter than the rest of the cluster’s stars because it actually lies in the
Tuesday, August 7
Distant Neptune reaches opposition and peak
visibility in just a month, but the view now is essentially the same. The ice
giant planet rises around 9:30 p.m. local daylight time and climbs halfway to
the zenith in the south by 3 a.m. The magnitude 7.8 planet lies in Aquarius,
1.5° west-southwest of 4th-magnitude Phi (φ) Aquarii. You’ll need binoculars to
spy Neptune and a telescope to see its blue-gray disk, which spans 2.3".
Uranus’ eastward motion against the background stars
comes to a halt at 5 p.m. EDT. This so-called stationary point marks the
beginning of the best period to observe the outer planet. Uranus rises before
midnight local daylight time and appears more than halfway to the zenith in the
southeastern sky as morning twilight commences. The magnitude 5.8 planet lies
in the southwestern corner of Aries, 12° south of 2nd-magnitude Hamal (Alpha
[α] Arietis). A telescope reveals Uranus’ blue-green disk, which spans
Wednesday, August 8
The middle of this week finds observers caught
between the peaks of two nice meteor showers. The Southern Delta Aquariid
shower reached maximum July 30 and has started to diminish, while the Perseid
shower is ramping up in preparation for its peak the night of August 12/13. The
waning crescent Moon sheds little light in the predawn sky, and conditions
improve as the week progresses and Luna’s phase wanes. You can tell meteors
from the two showers apart by tracing their paths backward. Southern Delta
Aquariid meteors appear to radiate from the constellation Aquarius the
Water-bearer, while Perseid meteors emanate from Perseus the Hero.
Mercury reaches inferior conjunction, passing
between the Sun and Earth, at 10 p.m. EDT. The innermost planet will return to
view before dawn in about two weeks.
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